John Paul Davis


I grew tired of posting photos to Meta’s properties, and decided to migrate my favorites here, and, going forward, post here, with an automated script that cross-posts to my BlueSky account.

  1. Clouds, a treeline, and cattails pushed down by the wind in Van Cortlandt Park
    Winter Textures
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  2. A Canadian goose standing on the partially-frozen Van Cortlandt Lake, with its reflection showing in a patch of unfrozen lake.
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  3. a thicket in Van Cortlandt park
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  4. snow-covered needles on an evergreen tree in Van Cortlandt Park
    Winter clothes
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  5. tall thin leafless trees on the left and right of a snowy path and in the distance, three wooden posts and beyond that a single tree, in Van Cortlandt Park
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  6. A jagged, crooked tree in the foreground; many straight thin trees in the background, all with snow on the right side of their trunks.
    Our crooked dreams
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  7. Late morning sun behind the trees in Van Cortlandt Park
    Winter sun.
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  8. Frozen-over Van Cortlandt Lake, with a snow-covered bank in the foreground.
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  9. Ducks & geese on Van Cortlandt Lake, at sunrise, early February 2025
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  10. A tree, with some of its lower branches dipping into a frozen lake.
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  11. John St. in Manhattan with the sun shining through steam between buildings, casting long shadows
    Had to go into the office yesterday so here's proof I live in New York City & not a magical arctic woodland
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  12. sunrise behind trees, with snowy ground in the foreground
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  13. John Paul Davis's shadow, cast against snow
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  14. sunrise in Van Cortlandt Park
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  15. a Canadian goose walking on an iced-over Van Cortlandt Lake
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  16. Canadian geese & mallards sleep & gather in a circle on the iced-over Van Cortlandt Lake around unfrozen water, as the sun rises beyond the treeline.
    I have not figured out how to capture the absolute magic of this in a photo, but it has taken my breath away every morning for the past week. If a voice said “take off your shoes for this is holy ground” I’d believe it. I’d be *grumpy* because it’s cold & wet, but I’d believe.
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  17. Van Cortlandt Lake, frozen over, with the sunrise reflected off the ice.
    Sunrise above an iced-over Van Cortlandt Lake
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  18. A female and male mallard swimming near the shore of Van Cortlandt Lake
    Mallards in Van Corlandt Park
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  19. John Paul Davis wearing sunglasses and gloves on the subway
    All bundled up because it FINALLY went below freezing here in NYC. First killing frost used to be at the end of September. It is November 29. This is not terrifying at all. No sir. Everything is just fine.
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  20. John Paul Davis's musical work space, with a MacBook running Ableton Live, a Moog Matriarch, an OP-1, a microphone and an acoustic guitar
    once again up to no good
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